Grumman F4F Wildcat |
F4F saga began in 1935 when Grumman's XF4F-1 biplane prototype
lost out in competition against the Brewster F2A-1 monoplane
(later called the Buffalo) for a contract with the Navy for a
new carrier based fighter. Data on the F2A-1 soon showed that a
biplane could not compete against a successful monoplane and
further development of the XF4F-1 was stopped in favor of an
alternative monoplane designed by Grumman and ordered by the
Navy as the XF4F-2. As a monoplane, it was destined for far
greater success than ever achieved by the Brewster Buffalo.
In 1938 Grumman
Aircraft Corporation was awarded a contract for the F4F
"Wildcat". This was followed in 1942 by a subcontract
with Eastern Aircraft (General Motors assembly factories) to
produce F4Fs with a designation of FM thus leaving Grumman to
concentrate on the F6F "Hellcat". Basic differences
between the two aircraft were in the armament and engines.
Over 9,000 F4F/FM aircraft were produced, many of which were
sent to Britain and saw combat against the Germans before United
States entry into World War II.
The "Wildcat" became the tool for
some of the greatest aces of the Pacific war, the first of whom
was LT "Butch" O'Hare who was awarded the Medal of
Honor for shooting down five enemy bombers and damaging a sixth
during one flight. Chicago's O'Hare airport is named after him.
The leading World War II Marine ace, Major Joe Foss, as well as
five other Marine "Wildcat" pilots, received the Medal
of Honor during the Battle of Guadalcanal. After the Solomon
Island campaign, the F4Fs were gradually replaced by the more
advanced F4U "Corsair" and the F6F
"Hellcat". "Wildcats" remained in service
aboard the escort carriers. |

Grumman F4F
From our Premier Series. 1/25th scale. 17.5"
wingspan by 13.5" length
No. AEN4D-PR. Only $174.95 |
F4F Wildcat
From our standard series.
1/32nd scale. 14.25 wingspan x 10.75 long
No. AEN4D-ST. Only $119.95 |