Bf or Me110 was a heavy, twin-engine fighter, designed as a
fighter-bomber, bomber-interceptor, and escort fighter. Its use
as an escort fighter during the Battle of Britain was disastrous
because it was not sufficiently maneuverable in a dogfight with
a Spitfire or Hurricane. Even the rear gunner didn't help, the
agility and eight machine guns of the Allied fighters mowed them
down easily. This experience initially gave the Bf110 a poor
reputation. However, like many other aircraft, it had only to
find a niche for itself. It developed a good record as a
fighter-bomber and especially as a night fighter for bomber
interceptions. It carried an impressive armament, including
oblique firing cannons (developed under the code name Schrage
Musik) used to attack bombers from below without having to fly
towards the bomber. A long series from B to G, were developed.
Late in the war production rates increased as serious weaknesses
with it's successors, the Bf210 and 410 were discovered. Around
6100 were built.
Bf-110 - "Wolf"
From our
Premier Series. 1/30th scale. 22.15" wingspan
by 16.15" long.
No. AER4D-BR. Only $219.95 |
Bf-110 "Wasp"
From our Premier Series
1/30th scale. 22.15"wingspan x 16.15"
No. AER4D-AR. Only $219.95 |
Bf-110 "Wasp"
From our Deluxe Series
1/32nd scale. 20"wingspan x 14.85" long.
No. AER4D-DX. Only $169.95 |