AV-8 Harrier
      The dream for a military aircraft able to take-off and land vertically like a helicopter and then transition to conventional flight was realized in the British made AV-8A Harrier. First flown and deployed by the RAF in 1969, it utilizes the concept of "Vectored Thrust" in which turbine by-pass air is routed to one of two pairs of nozzles at the wing roots, while jet exhaust is directed through the second pair.  The combined "thrusts" enable the Harrier to either hover or fly normally depending on the position of the nozzles which can be rotated in unison along the longitudinal axis anywhere from straight aft for forward flight to a little forward of straight down for hover. 
     Designed primarily for ground attack and support carrying all armament under the wings, it is also capable of near supersonic speeds (approximately 600 knots). Harriers were tested in combat during the Falkland Islands War during which 42 were deployed for ground support, air defense, ship strikes, and reconnaissance. They shot down at least 20 enemy planes most with Sidewinders and some with 30 mm, without a single air-to-air loss. Five were lost to ground fire and four to adverse weather. It is said that the British victory probably would not have happened without the Harriers.
AV-8B Harrier - Royal Navy
Premier Series.  Loaded with weapons.  1/35th scale. 10" wingspan x 17.5" long.
  No. AGW4D-PR.  Only $219.95
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