Bregiet BRE19
airplane, a holder of numerous world records, made its maiden
flight in March, 1922. The airplane was designed as a
reconnaissance/bomber; and was, in fact, used by many other
countries other than the French Aviation Militaire. The Breguet
company ensured that the Breguet 19 remained in the headlines
throughout the 1920s and early 1930s by developing a series of
long-range or "Grand Raid" variants. Among many
records, a Breguet established a world speed-over-distance
record for France when, in May, 1929, the airplane covered a
distance of 3,107 miles at an average speed of 116.88 mph.
Another airplane was flown in two days from Le Bourget to
Manchuria, landing on September 29, 1929, and establishing a
world straight-line distance record of 4,912 miles; and in
September, 1930, the same airplane, crewed by Costes and
Bellonte, achieved the first nonstop Paris to New York flight.
The Breguet Bre.19 A.2 was powered by one 450-hp Lorraine 12Ed
inline piston engine, giving the airplane a maximum speed of 133
mph at sea level, service ceiling of 23,620 feet, and a range of
497 miles. Airplane armament was one fixed forward-firing 7.7-mm
(303-caliber) synchronized Vickers machine gun and two 7.7-mm
(303-caliber) Lewis machine guns on mounting in rear cockpit,
plus provision for light bombs. |

Premier Series. 1/33rd scale. 20.35" wingspan x
11.35" long.
No. ADA5D-PR. Only $219.95 |