S-44 Flying Boat |
Igor I. Sikorsky's VS-44A was a large transport aircraft with a wingspan
of 124 feet, an overall length of about 80 feet and a gross weight of
57,500 pounds. It was powered by four Pratt & Whitney Twin-Wasp
radial engines that produced a combined 4,800 horsepower for take-off
and a cruise speed of about 210 miles per hour. The nonstop range,
depending on load and the quantity of fuel, was approximately 4,000
miles, which was unmatched performance for the time. In the summer of
1940 American Export Airline ordered three at a total cost of
$2,100,000. These aircraft were dubbed the "Flying Aces" by
AEA . Its advertising boasted minimum vibration, maximum sound-proofing,
individual sofas, full length beds, roomy dressing rooms, full galley
for serving hot meals, snack bar service, attractive lounge and smoking
room, proper heating and ventilation and more square foot area per
passenger. No other contemporary aircraft had these luxuries. AEA
signed a contract with the Naval Air Transport Service to operate a
wartime trans-Atlantic route in January, 1942. On May 26 the Excalibur
made the maiden nonstop flight from New York to Foynes, Ireland and on
June 20 regular round trip service began. The Flying Aces proved to be
the world's longest range airliners and set record after record. They
were the only aircraft capable of flying nonstop across the North and
South Atlantic at full payload in excess of 3,100 miles.
The Excambian is the only example remaining
today. In 1950 a group from Baltimore rebuilt the Excambian to carry
freight to Amazon River natives. Their plan failed which stranded the
Excambian in Ancon Harbor near Lima, Peru. In 1957 Avalon Air Transport
ferried the aircraft to California where she shuttled thousands of
tourists between Long Beach, California and nearby Catalina
Island. It is now owned by the Naval Aviation Museum at Pensacola,
Florida, but is on permanent loan to the New England Air Museum. |

S-44 Flying Boat -
American Export Lines
Standard Series. 1/100th scale. 15" wingspan x 9.5" long.
No. AAS3D-ST. Only $119.95 |