McDonald Douglas DC 10 |
The multi-range DC-10
was designed in Long Beach, California, by the Douglas Aircraft
Company On April 28,
1967, Douglas merged with the McDonnell Aircraft Company. Production was started in January 1968
by the new McDonald-Douglas Company. The first deliveries were in
1971. In a production run extending to 1989, 386 commercial DC-10s were
delivered. An additional 60 tanker/
cargo versions were built for the USAF, designated the KC-10.
McDonald-Douglas is now the Long Beach Division of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. |
DC-10 - Northwest
Premier Series. 1/138th scale. 14.5" wingspan x 16.5" long.
No. AAM4D-NW. Only $194.95 |

DC-10 - United
Series. 1/138th scale.
14.5" wingspan x 16.5" long.
No. AAM4D-UN. Only $194.95 |
DC-10 - American,
Deluxe Model
Standard Series. !/100 scale.
20" wingspan x 21.5" long
No. AAM4D-AM. Only $179.95
DC-10 - American, Mini
Molded from plastic. Machine painted. 1/200 scale.
10"wingspan x 10.34" long
No. AAM4D-JR. Only $69.95 |