Golden Age Racers

in the development of aviation a spirit of sporting and
competition became a major aspect of its ever-growing appeal.
Air races began to enjoy a worldwide popularity. The first
was established in 1912 by Jacques Schneider. It was to be awarded annually to the
winner of a race to be flown over water in seaplanes. Racing
momentum built rapidly. The period from
the late 1920s to the mid-1930 was known as "The Golden Age of Air
Racing." Air races
were sponsored by well intentioned entrepreneurs offering thousands of
dollars in prize money. The Pulitzer Trophy Race was sponsored
by an American newspaperman, Ralph Pulitzer, to promote high
speed in landplanes. The Thompson Trophy was an American
race. The above picture shows Jimmy
Doolittle flies Gee Bee to win the Thompson Trophy 1932. The
race took place in Cleveland
During the money-tight Great Depression,
aircraft builders were enticed to produce race planes. The reality of
flight soon progressed from flimsy aircraft with questionable power and
poor controls, to aircraft designed for one purpose - speed.
Aviation pioneers from the military, aircraft companies, as well as lone
individuals strove for the glory of crossing the finishing line first.
They took the flimsy wood and canvas airplane and turned into a
rugged sleek all-metal airplane, paving the way for the great
age of aviation that followed. These are some of the all-time greats: |