MC 72. first flew on September 10, 1931. Immediately after
take-off, there were two engine backfires and then the entire
plane exploded. The engineer discovered that the
backfiring was caused by air turbulence related to the speed of
the plane. It was fixed and the engine was increased to
2850 HP. On October 23, 1933 pilot Francesco Agello tries
for a new speed record. Over four passes, he hit the
amazing speed of 709 km/h and comes close to breaking the sound
barrier. He set a record that has never been beaten by any
seaplane with piston engine. On August 7, 1961 Russian
pilot Nicolaļ Andrievski finally broke the seaplane speed
record, but he was flying a jet.

MC 72
Deluxe Series Model. 1/20th scale. 18.5"
wingspan x 16.25" long.
No. ABRDD-DX. Only $179.95 |