in the late 1970s, the Christen Eagle II set a new mark of
excellence for home built kit aircraft. The Eagle II, based on
the famous Pitts Special, was designed by Frank Christensen as
an unlimited class aerobatic aircraft that could be used for
competition, advanced aerobatic training and sport cross-country
flying. Since its introduction, more than a thousand Eagle IIs
have delighted their owners and found homes with both
professional and amateur pilots alike.
Frank Christensen was a self-made millionaire even
before he entered the aviation industry. Prior to his aviation
career, Christensen built inverted oil systems for Curtiss
Pitts. This experience led him to begin thinking about
developing a home built aerobatic aircraft that anyone could
safely build and fly, regardless of their background in aircraft
construction or engineering. After his bid to buy the Pitts
aircraft line failed, Christensen set his plans to open his own
aircraft company in motion. The Eagle II debuted at the 1977
Oshkosh Fly-In and was immediately popular with both
professional and amateur aerobatic pilots. After test flying the
Eagle II, World Champion Aerobatic Pilot Bob Herendeen stated;
"All in all, I like the very light feel of the controls of the
Eagle II. Its responsiveness and roll rate give one the feeling
of flying in a Pitts S-1S, but with stability more like that of
the Pitts S-2A. The clean, comfortable cockpit area and control
stick position are ideal. I don't see how anyone would not like
this airplane." |
Christen Eagle
Premier Series. 1/20th scale. 15" wingspan x 14" long.
No. APT0D-PR. Only $209.95 |