Boeing 314 Clipper |
As airplane travel became popular during the mid-1930s, passengers
wanted to fly across the ocean, so Pan American Airlines asked for a
long-range, four-engine flying boat. In response, Boeing developed the
Model 314, nicknamed the "Clipper" after the great oceangoing
sailing ships. It used the wings and engine nacelles of the giant
Boeing XB-15 bomber. New Wright 1,500 horsepower Double Cyclone engines
eliminated the lack of power that handicapped the XB-15. With a nose
similar to that of the modern 747, the Clipper was the "jumbo"
airplane of its time.
The Model 314 had a 3,500-mile range and
made the first scheduled trans-Atlantic flight June 28, 1939. By the
year’s end, Clippers were routinely flying across the Pacific. Clipper
passengers looked down at the sea from large windows and enjoyed the
comforts of dressing rooms, a dining salon that could be turned into a
lounge and a bridal suite. The Clipper's 74 seats converted into 40
bunks for overnight travelers. Four-star hotels catered gourmet meals
served from its galley.
Boeing built 12 Model 314s between
1938 and 1941. At the outbreak of World War II, the Clipper was drafted
into service to ferry materials and personnel. Few other aircraft of the
day could meet the wartime distance and load requirements. President
Franklin D. Roosevelt traveled by Boeing Clipper to meet with Winston
Churchill at the Casablanca conference in 1943. On the way home,
President Roosevelt celebrated his birthday in the flying boat's dining
room. |

Boeing 314 "Yankee
Clipper" - Pan American Airways
Shown above. Premier
Series hand-crafted mahogany. Meticulous hand-painted details.
scale. Wingspan 18.5" x length 12.5."
AABAD-PY. Only $219.95
Boeing 314
"Dixie Clipper" - Pan American Airways
Not shown. Identical to the above, but an American flag is painted
on the front of fuselage.
Also from our Premier Series. Same size as above.
AABAD-PD. Only $219.95
Boeing 314 Dixie
Clipper - Pan American Airways
Same scale and size as the above models, but from our Standard Series.
No. AABAD-ST. Only $119.95 |