CH-47 is a twin-engine, tandem rotor helicopter designed for
transportation of cargo, troops, and weapons during day, night,
visual, and instrument conditions. Development of the medium
lift Boeing Vertol (models 114 and 414) CH-47 Series Chinook
began in 1956. Since then the effectiveness of the Chinook has
been continually upgraded by successive product improvements,
the CH-47A, CH-47B, CH-47C, and CH-47D. The amount of load a
cargo helicopter can carry depends on the model, the fuel on
board, the distance to be flown, and atmospheric conditions.
The CH-47A, first delivered for use in
Vietnam in 1962, primary mission was moving artillery,
ammunition, personnel, and supplies on the battlefield. It also
performs rescue, aeromedical, parachuting, aircraft recovery and
special operations missions. In 1963, the aircraft was
formally designated as the Army’s standard medium transport
helicopter. 350 were produced. The B model introduced the
Lycoming T55-L7C engine, a beefed up airframe and other
improvements. The CH-47C Chinook model increased
the maximum cargo capacity to 20,000 pounds.
In 1976, three CH-47s were stripped down to
their basic airframes, then rebuilt with improved systems to
provide three CH-47D prototypes. Improvements included upgraded
power plants, rotor transmissions, integral lubrication and
cooling for the transmission systems, and fiberglass rotor
blades. The CH-47D carries twice the load of a CH-47A and
have improved performance. They can operate at night and in
nearly all weather conditions. They are equipped with an
air-to-air refueling probe. Other upgrades followed.
During Desert Storm "the
CH-47D was often the only mode of transportation to shift large
numbers of personnel, equipment, and supplies rapidly over the
vast area in which US forces operated. The cargo capacity and
speed provided commanders and logisticians a capability
unequalled by any Army in the world. During
operations in Bosnia, a Chinook company of 16 aircraft flew
2,222 hours, carried 3,348 passengers, and transported over 3.2
million pounds of cargo over a six month period. These numbers
equate to carrying 112 infantry platoons, 545 HMMWVs, or 201
M198 Howitzers. |

CH-47 Chinook
Premier Series. 1/41st scale. 17" rotor spread x 15" long.
No. AHA5D-PR. Only $209.95 |
CH-47D Chinook
Standard Series. 1/48th scale.
15" rotor spread x 12.5" long
No. AHA5D-ST. Only $139.95 |